Qimtronics Collaboration in IoT Development Integration with Bandung Techno Park

On December 20, 2023, PT Qimtronics Aryasatya Baswara collaborated with Bandung Techno Park (BTP) which is one of the largest Science Techno Park in Indonesia and as a center for building the quality of ICT (Information and Communication of Technology).
Penandatanganan Kerjasama dengan Bandung Techno Park
In order to develop and commercialize Si Soil, an innovative tool that is integrated with applications and connected to the Internet of Things. So that it can provide information related to soil quality and moisture conditions for productive and non-productive plants, so that the fertilization system is in accordance with the needs. So that this can help the agricultural industry in Indonesia.
The representatives of BTP who attended were :
  • Dr. Koredianto Usman, S.T., M.Sc (Direktur Bandung Techno Park)
  • Dr. Istikmal (Manager Solusi Teknologi)
  • Yusza Reditya Murti, ST., M.Kom (Asisten Manager IP & Transfer Teknologi)
  • Heppy Millanyani, S.Sos., M.M., Ph.D (Marketing Manager BTP)
  • Dr. Doan Perdana, ST, MT (Director of Research Center)
Qimtronics with Bandung Techno Park Telkom University